Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Göttingen
Tammannstrasse 4
37077 Göttingen
Public exhibition: yes
Admission free
Open: by appointment
Guided tours: by appointment
Contact person:
Dr. Ulrich Schmitt
Tel.: +49 551 39-23114
E-Mail: uschmit@gwdg.de
The Museum of Göttingen Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry was founded in 1979 and contains numerous historical objects and documents of a very diverse nature in the permanent exhibition and in the magazine on the history of chemistry at the University of Göttingen since its founding in 1737. Through purchases and donations The collection is still continually expanding today. The museum receives support from a support association, which mainly includes chemistry university teachers and former Göttingen chemistry graduates who work in Göttingen.
The Faculty of Chemistry at the Georg-August University of Göttingen has a long tradition. Shortly after the university was founded, private chemistry lectures were held. The first official chemical laboratory was built in 1783. The rise to one of the world's leading chemical research institutions was led, among others, by Johann Friedrich Gmelin (1748-1804), Friedrich Stromeyer (1776-1835), Friedrich Wöhler (1800-1882), Hans Hübner (1837-1884), Victor Meyer ( 1848–1897), Gustav Tammann (1861–1938) and the Nobel Prize winners Otto Wallach (1847–1931), Walther Nernst (1864–1941), Richard Zsigmondy (1865–1929) and Adolf Windaus (1876–1959).
The collection includes several hundred historical objects, photographs, books and documents on the history of chemistry, especially in Göttingen. The oldest and most beautiful objects include, for example, chemistry textbooks from the 18th century, some still in Latin, Friedrich Wöhler's doctorate certificate (1823), a precision balance from the workshop of Moritz Meyerstein, who also built instruments for Carl Friedrich Gauß, among others but also optical measuring instruments such as refractometers and polarimeters. There are also chemical preparations from Otto Wallach's laboratory and early analytical balances from Florence Sartorius' factory.
The permanent exhibition on chemical history is open to the public and can be viewed by appointment. The museum also organizes special exhibitions and takes part in comprehensive exhibitions.
Ulrich Schmitt